5th Annual
12-Hour: Saturday, May 17, 2025 8:00 AM
24-Hour: Saturday, May 17, 2025 8:00 AM
10k: Saturday, May 17, 2025 9:00 AM
Half Marathon: Saturday, May 17, 2025 9:00 AM
Time Limit: 12 Hours (Half Marathon & 10k)
Runner Capacity: 225 (Combined)
Start/Finish: Pisgah Camping Area in Mueller State Park || Divide, CO

The Endure 12-Hour is a one-of-a-kind 12-Hour timed event designed by YOU… and tiny colorful balls. Each runner will pull colored balls from a bucket, which determines the loop they’ll next run. This continues for up to 12-hours in time, and the runner’s result is the number of miles they ran within the allotted time. You are not required to run for all 12-hours, as your final result is the number of miles you ran within the time you participate!
The Endure 24-Hour is a one-of-a-kind challenging 24-Hour timed event, designed by THE COLLECTIVE… and tiny colorful balls. This is where the 12-Hour event meshes with The Last Man Standing type of event held elsewhere within our sport. The task before you is to Endure the full 24-hours with us. Two balls will be pulled prior to each loop; The first determines the colored loop the entire field will run, the second determines the slowest possible pace that it must be completed in. The 24-Hour event requires participants to Endure all 24-hours or they will be a DNF. More details below!
The Half Marathon & 10k are a great way to get out and enjoy the natural beauty of Mueller State Park in a supportive “no-pressure” environment. Both feature a generous 12-hour cutoff.
All courses feature double-track and single-track trails with ZERO pavement, and an aid station you’ll want to hang around at for hours (we’re that much fun)!
Formerly Known As The Tommyknocker 12-Hour & Mine Shaft Half
Entry Fees

The above prices do not include taxes and registrar fees applied at checkout. “All-In Pricing” is visible on the registration page on RunSignUp.com
2025 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!*Any registration purchased after Monday, May 5, 2025 is not guaranteed a race shirt or finisher’s award. After this date, these items will only be provided as available at the finish line.
Online Registration closes May 13, 2025 at 11:59pm.
We welcome race day registration as space allows.
Gender specific race shirt*
Finisher’s medal*
Scenic and challenging course
Well stocked aid stations
Inclusion, Equality, and Community

HPRS provides volunteers with $5-$15/hour in HPRS Credits for whatever time they provide in support of our events. To volunteer for this event, please register for volunteer slots HERE.
To learn more about our volunteer program, Click Here.
Our interactive course maps on CalTopo allow you to visualize each course. To access these maps, please Click Here
For a downloadable PDF version of our course maps, please CLICK HERE.
For a downloadable PDF version of course elevation profiles, please CLICK HERE.
There will be one main aid station set up for the event. This aid station will be located in the Pisgah Point Group Camping Area at Mueller State Park. Runners will check in and out of this aid station at the beginning and end of each loop. The aid station will be fully stocked with water, electrolyte drink, and assorted “Ultra” snacks. It will also have drop bag access. This aid station is also the start/finish line.
To access the runner's google drive for this event, please CLICK HERE.
For previous year's results and race reports, please CLICK HERE.
HPRS does not provide lodging services or a camping option for this event. We encourage participants to look into lodging and food options in the surrounding towns in order to support the local community and its economy. Nearby towns and their distance from the race venue are listed below.
Woodland Park: 14 Miles (22 min)
Colorado Springs: 32.8 Miles (48 min)
The race venue is closest to Woodland Park and less than an hour from Colorado Springs, CO. Given that this event takes place close to a major metropolitan area, there are countless options for Hotels, Restaurants, and things to do.
Please check our Camping Page for more info. For this event we allow tent camping, and very limited space for camper vans and roof top tents. NO TRAILERS! You may sleep in your vehicle. We have the group campsites reserved for this event. HPRS Staff, Volunteers, and 24-Hour runners have precedence over the limited space that we have. For 24-hour runners, the camping fee for both nights is built into your registration already. On May 11th, we will open the remaining camping space to those registered in the 12-hour, Half Marathon, and 10k runs. Space is LIMITED and you MUST reserve a space.
Only registered runners are permitted to camp with us! Please do not bring your family or friends to camp. To see more information on reserving a campsite at the event, please click HERE. If you'd rather not camp with us, you are welcome to reserve your own campsite within the state park, there are many nearby!
The weather this time of year is incredibly unpredictable in the Colorado Mountains. This event could experience rain, snow, wind, hail, and/or thunderstorms. Temperatures could be unseasonably cold or unseasonably hot.
Average High: 57˚
Average Low: 32˚
Sun Rise: 5:44 AM
Sun Set: 8:09 PM
Total Daylight: 14 Hours 25 Minutes
Runners will dive their fists into a bucket full of colored balls. These balls will be colored Green, Blue, Orange, Red, Purple, and Black (See below). The color the runner pulls will indicate which loop they will run.
Each loop will be marked with flagging tape the same color as the ball pulled (Green Ball follows Green Markings, Red Ball follows Red Markings, etc). After completing the selected loop, their miles will be recorded, and a new ball will be selected by the runner. This repeats for up to 12 hours. As we get closer to the 12-Hour cut-off, balls for the longer/slower routes are removed from the bucket.
No two runners will run the same exact course. It’s the luck of the draw and how tenacious one can be in order to run as many miles as they can in this 12-Hour carnival. Runners who are late to the finish line on their final lap (after 8:00:00pm) will lose the miles for the final lap they ran, but keep all previous miles recorded. All runners who finish at least one successful loop will be listed in the results as a finisher with their total accumulated miles.
PULLING A BLACK BALL: In the event the runner pulls a black ball from the bucket, they will have two options: 1.) Take a 15 minute time out -or- 2.) See a "task master." The Task Master will have the runner spin the wheel of tasks. Whatever the wheel stops on, the runner will then have 15 minutes max to complete the task. Should they complete the task the runner will earn an override ticket. Override tickets can be used in the event the runner pulls a color they don't wish to run later on, exchanging it instead for a colored loop of their choice. Failure to complete the task just results in a waste of up to 15-minutes.
HPRS staff will dive their fist into a bucket full of colored balls. These balls will be colored Green, Blue, Orange, Red, and Purple. The color ball pulled will indicate which loop the entire 24-hour field will now run. A second ball will be pulled that determines the slowest possible pace that each runner must complete the loop in. Runners must then run the required loop within the prescribed time limit, and be ready to go on the starting line for the next lap as soon as the current loop time ends. Should a runner fail to return from a loop in time, or not start the next loop on time, they will be disqualified from the event. (No faster than a 16:30/min mile avg. will be applied for a loop. The slowest loop will be an 18:30 min/mile avg. Faster balls will be removed as the event moves along. Runners should expect to run between 75 and 85 miles in 24 Hours)
Each loop will be marked with flagging tape the same color as the ball pulled (Green Ball follows Green Markings, Red Ball follows Red Markings, etc). After completing the selected loop, the process will be repeated
Everyone in the 24-hour will run the same ball-determined route, but do not have to stay together. In order to stay "alive" as a participant in the event, the runner must finish their loop within the allotted pace, and be in the starting corral ready to go and start the next loop on time. Should a runner fail to complete their loop in time, or they are not in the corral at the start of the next loop, they will be pulled from the field.
There is no "Black Ball" or tasks associated with the 24-Hour.
Select HPRS events allow a mid-race drop down in distance, where you will still receive a finisher's award and have your finish time in the results, in the event that you bit off more than you can chew.
Any runner who starts the Half Marathon may drop down at the 10k point of their run and receive a finisher's award, as well as their time in the 10k results.
Any runner who starts the 24-Hour may drop down at the 12-Hour providing they do so within the operating hours of the 12-Hour event (in other words, prior to 8pm on Saturday) and receive a finisher's award, as well as their time in the 10k results.
There is no drop down option for the 10k, 12-Hour events; meaning, you are locked into the event you start.
There are no refunds or credits, full or partial, for the difference in distance dropped to. HPRS supports responsible risk management decisions of our runners to call it a day if the challenge is more than you're feeling up to. Live to run another day!
Check-in is all done at the start/finish location. We will host pick-up on Friday night from 7-9pm. Don't worry if you can't make it Friday, as we'll also host check-in on race morning starting at 6:30am. All runners must check-in with race staff the morning of the run. Runners not checked in by race start will not be allowed to proceed as official runners of the event.
Check-In Location: Pisgah Group Camping area within Mueller State Park, 21045 CO-67, Divide, CO 80814
Held virtually during the week leading up to the event.
A NOTE ON CREWS/SPECTATORS: Due to very limited parking in the area, and the number of runners in the event, we cannot accommodate spectators and/or crews for the 12-Hour, Half Marathon, or 10k. There is simply no availability for parking crews or spectators. Please help us out by having non-participants remain away from the event. 24-Hour Runners are allowed a maximum of 2 crew persons to assist them from in camp only.
PACERS: Pacers are only allowed for the final lap of the 24-hour event. Pacers are not permitted for any other distance./event.
All participants are allowed to have a drop bag at the Pisgah Group Campground (start/finish area) ONLY. Drop bags should be dropped off on race morning prior to the start of your event. All participants may have access to their drop bag every time they are at the start/finish aid station. Please leave nothing of value in your bag. Do not leave your drop bag behind. All abandoned drop bags are disposed of immediately at the conclusion of the event. 24-Hour and 12-Hour runners may access their vehicle at any time.
All participants and spectators must park at the designated parking locations ONLY. A map of these areas will be available closer to the race. Some of you in the 10k and Half Marathon will park off-site about 2.5 miles from the race site, and be shuttled in and out from the event.
All participants who complete their challenge will receive a unique finisher's award. Finisher's awards are provided to those who finish the 10k, Half Marathon, or at least their first loop in the 12-hour. All 24-Hour runners will receive an award, with those who do NOT endure the full 24-hours will receive one that says "Did Not" on it. We'll also present our DFL (10k & Half Marathon), Adversity Award (12-Hour), and Transcendence Awards. HPRS does not have a podium or age group awards, please see our Awards Page for more details.
This event is being held in accordance with permits from Colorado Parks & Wildlife Mueller State Park. We ask that you please respect and care for the land this event is held on to help ensure the future of this race and to limit our environmental impact.
Any additional event information, changes, and updates will be sent to registered entrants ONLY via e-mail communication.