Since its inception The Human Potential Running Series (HPRS) has been dedicated to working towards a more Diverse, Equal, Equitable, Inclusive and Accessible sport. We recognize that there are many barriers that prevent individuals from underserved and marginalized communities from participating in the sport of trail and ultrarunning. One of the most glaring barriers is the cost of entry. Costs are rising all around us, and so to are the fees associated with participation in a trail and ultramarathon events. As an organization we acknowledge rising fees and therefore the need to do more in ensuring our offerings are accessible to those without the financial means to participate.
In 2023 HPRS facilitated a focus group whose mission it was to take a deep dive into the inner workings of HPRS and make a number of suggestions that would propel the company to new heights. The focus group targeted their work in the following areas: Branding, Website, Social Media; Customer Service; New Runners and Runner Retention; Pre-Race Emails, Participant Manuals, Assets; Volunteer Programs; and DEI. It was determined during the many months of work conducted by this focus group that HPRS could do more to improve accessibility of our series towards individuals in these communities. The Community Fund is a direct result of the work of this focus group; your running peers wanting to do more to welcome more explorers into our community.
The HPRS Community Fund was created as a way for members of the HPRS community to share the magic of trail and ultramarathon running with those in communities we see few of at our events. It was also created as a way for members of our community who are experiencing financial hardship to still be an active member without having to worry about being able to afford the cost of admission. The Community Fund is funded by donated volunteer credits from members of our community who have decided to share their earned credits with others, rather than use them on their own running endeavors. It is also funded by those who have made financial contributions to HPRS specifically for the purposes of sponsoring explorers with a financial need. More simply put, this is Runners helping runners.
Anyone with existing volunteer credits with HPRS may donate their earned credits to this fund. At the conclusion of each race, we will provide volunteers with the option to donate all or a portion of their credits to this fund as well. Anyone may also contribute to HPRS specifically for the purposes of this fund as well as other DEI, Sustainability, and Community initiatives of HPRS during the registration process for all HRPS events, or by contributing HERE. For more information on how to contribute please email [email protected]
• Members of the BIPOC community
• Members of the LGBTQIA+ community
• Any runner under the age of 30
• Any runner 30 years of age or older who are experiencing financial hardship
Anyone wishing to utilize credits, comps, and funds available within the Community Fund should email HPRS at [email protected]. Your email should include which of the above communities you belong to, if you are under the age of 30, or that you have a need for financial assistance. In the event of those in need of financial assistance, we hope you might provide us with a little more information regarding why this assistance is needed. We won’t ask too many questions, we just want to make sure the fund is being used for the intended purposes and that we can all do our part in welcoming more humans to explore the trails.
We believe that together our entire trail and ultrarunning village can do more in promoting a more diverse, equitable, inclusive and accessible sport for all peoples. We hope members of the HPRS community, and those outside of our community, will see the tremendous benefit programs like this have for those struggling to belong, or access the experiences those with more financial means are able to routinely enjoy. Together we can ensure that RUNNING IS FOR EVERYONE.
Note: Actual money that is contributed to HPRS through the contribution page will be received as business revenue and taxed in accordance with state and federal laws.