As our sport has gained in popularity, the supply and demand of races has also shifted. Race entry fees are only rising, and for some ultra is becoming more inaccessible due to the cost of entry. At HPRS, we pride ourselves in that our races are priced at, or below, the industry average for each individual distance. Still, we understand that the industry average is reaching heights that many are no longer able to afford. Below is a detailed explanation of how you can acquire discounted and/or complimentary race entries to HPRS events. In short, we are willing and able to work with anyone in need of some form of financial assistance to run in our events. 

Click on a button below to expand it for more information

HPRS does not offer comp entries to runners who identify as "elite" or "professional."

While we appreciate the time and effort the fast kids put into their adventures, we also appreciate the time and effort everyone else puts in as well. We appreciate that the front runners certainly train hard and put in an immense effort to compete at their level, we also believe that for some of them it's also a matter of their "genetic gifts" and life choices. Every runner who attends a race has sacrificed much, has trained as much as their time allows, and deserves the same treatment regardless of what place they finish in.

Therefore, HPRS does not offer free entries to runner's simply because of their "status" or past performances. We ask that if you identify as an "elite," you refrain from sending us your "running resume," as it will be ignored. If you would like to acquire a discounted or complimentary race entry, we ask that you please see the next paragraph where giving back to, and being an active member of, our community is detailed.

If you really want a complimentary or discounted race entry, we respectfully suggest that you earn it.

The Human Potential Running Series has one of the most generous volunteer programs in our sport. By volunteering at an HPRS race, you'll earn $10-$15/hr in HPRS Race Credits.

Volunteer for a day of trail work with HPRS and earn an immediate comp entry to a future race!

Volunteers are the backbone of any successful event, and we much prefer rewarding those who give back, by reimbursing them for their time. As a volunteer you are also choosing to be an active and supportive member of our community, something we value at the utmost.

To learn more about our volunteer programs, and to sign up, CLICK HERE.

The HPRS Community Fund was created as a way for members of the HPRS community to share the magic of trail and ultramarathon running with those in communities we see few of at our events. It was also created as a way for members of our community who are experiencing financial hardship to still be an active member without having to worry about being able to afford the cost of admission. The Community Fund is funded by donated volunteer credits from members of our community who have decided to share their earned credits with others, rather than use them on their own running endeavors. It is also funded by those who have made financial contributions to HPRS specifically for the purposes of sponsoring explorers with a financial need. More simply put, this is Runners helping runners.


• Members of the BIPOC community
• Members of the LGBTQIA+ community
• Any runner under the age of 30
• Any runner 30 years of age or older who are experiencing financial hardship

For more information please CLICK HERE.

While we welcome all who wish to participate in our events, we do not offer discounted race entries to athletes with disabilities/adaptive athletes.

If you wish to take on one of our challenges, we feel it would be a disservice to you if we treated you any different than able bodied athletes. Ultimately, by accepting the challenge we have presented you, we expect that you are willing and able to accept all that comes with that challenge. We will do our very best to provide any reasonable accommodation(s) that allows you to take on our challenges, while keeping the essence of our race series in tact. Please just reach out and have a thoughtful discussion with us about how we can best support you. 

We will provide complimentary guide entry to any guide you may need in order to accomplish your goal safely. For Example: If an athlete with visual impairment would like to utilize the services of a guide for one of our races, the guide will be provided a complimentary race entry in order for them to assist you. Your guide must stay with you at all times on the course. Yes, your guide needs to register whether they are paying or not. We just ask, again, that your guide stay at your side throughout. 

For more information please email [email protected]

HPRS is proud to offer 20% Off HPRS Race Registration to the individuals of our armed services.

This discount is open to all active duty, retired, and veteran servicemen and women; the following branches of service are eligible: Army, Navy, Marine Corps., Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard/Reserves.

To obtain your discount, you must email a copy of your military ID card (Active Duty or Retired), or DD Form 214, to [email protected]

Once verified, HPRS will email you a special discount code for your own personal use at time of race registration check-out.

HPRS is proud to offer 50% Off HPRS Race Registration to indigenous runners.

This discount is open to all indigenous peoples who wish to participate in our events. 

To obtain your discount, you must email some kind of proof of your indigenous heritage to [email protected]

Once verified, HPRS will email you a special discount code for your own personal use at time of race registration check-out.

We host various other opportunities for you to save throughout the year.

FALLFEST: The Human Potential Running Series hosts an annual "FALLFEST" event in the month of October. This event is a LIVE show we broadcast via social media platforms, where everyone can take advantage of our biggest deals of the year for races opening registration in October. We run a discount during this show that is applied to our lowest "early bird" pricing for each event in the coming year. For more information about our Annual FallFest Event, we ask that you please see our September Newsletter, and various Social Media posts leading up to October 1st. 

REGFEST: The Human Potential Running Series hosts an annual "REGFEST" event in the month of December. This event is a LIVE show we broadcast via social media platforms, where everyone can take advantage of our biggest deals of the year. We run a discount during this show that is applied to our lowest "early bird" pricing for each event in the coming year. For more information about our Annual RegFest Event, we ask that you please see our November Newsletter, and various Social Media posts leading up to December 1st. 

The Water Cooler: From time to time we host a live show on our social media channels. During these shows you can learn the latest news and updates about HPRS, and possibly win a comp race entry providing you win whatever that show's contest is.

*HPRS reserves the right to hold, or not hold, a contest for comp race entries during these shows. But hey, worth a shot!

Social Media/Newsletter/Podcast Deals: From time to time we'll provide a discount code for race entries via our social media channels, monthly newsletters, and podcasts. You'll use the code provided, considering the special rules that apply, to take advantage of the discount.

* If you signed up for a race prior to the code being issued, we regret to inform you that you are not entitled to a refund, full or partial. We do not offer refunds at HPRS, full or partial, under any circumstances. 

HPRS has partnered with a number of running groups both locally and on the national level. Part of that partnership is affording groups a discount off of HPRS race registration fees in exchange for the group's leadership promoting participation in HPRS events as either a runner and/or as a volunteer. The more success a group's efforts are, the more we raise the discount provided. To discuss how your group can partner with HPRS, please email us at [email protected]